The success of Volkswagen Group Australia is underpinned by honesty and integrity on the part of all of our employees. By acting in accordance with national and international laws and regulations, internal policies, guidelines and voluntary commitments, we always repay the considerable trust shown in the each of our brands by our customers, business partners and stakeholders on a daily basis. An ethos of integrity, irreproachable conduct and fair dealings with each other are not merely something we take for granted – these values are deeply rooted in our identity. Upholding and further strengthening our system of values is one of the main duties of our company.
We drive and accelerate our business by living and breathing the Volkswagen Group Essentials - which are the foundation of the Volkswagen Group's values and the basis of our common corporate culture.
Read more about the Volkswagen Group Essentials.
Compliance is adherence to legal requirements, internal corporate policies, ethical principles, and self-imposed values for the protection of the company and its brands. In the long term, a company can only be successful if it acts with integrity, complies with statutory provisions worldwide, and stands by its voluntary undertakings and ethical principles. We remain committed to this principle and compliance must be second nature to all Volkswagen Group Australia employees.
The section further explores the following compliance topics:
Our Code of Conduct is the key instrument for strengthening employee awareness of correct behaviour, providing support and guidance, and finding the right contact persons for consultation and advice. The focus is on the responsibility of each individual employee to comply with the rules of ethical conduct.
The Code of Conduct for Business Partners embeds our expectations of our business partners’ conduct with respect to key environmental, social and compliance standards in our contractual agreements. The requirements are based, among other things, on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the relevant International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions. The Code of Conduct is, however, not just based on international standards, but also objectives, rules and policies of the Volkswagen Group.
Volkswagen Group Australia is committed to encouraging and supporting ethical conduct and fostering a positive and open environment. Through our Whistleblower System, reports of actual or reasonable suspicions of misconduct can be confidentially raised through our various reporting channels.
Click here to learn more about our Whistleblower System.
Volkswagen Group Australia acknowledges its responsibility under the Modern Slavery Act to combat modern slavery and human trafficking. We are committed to ethical business practices that protect workers from abuse and exploitation, both within our own operations and throughout our supply chain. We aim to ensure transparency and expect our employees and suppliers to this shared commitment to ensure modern slavery does not exist in our business and our supply chain
Our team would be happy to have your feedback so we can continue to improve on our approach when it comes to modern slavery. If you have any comments, ideas or questions, please contact our Procurement team.
Furthermore, the Social Charter, which was entered into by the Volkswagen Group with social partners, the social rights of Volkswagen Group’s employees in particular are codified.